Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008


Antangin JRG was produced by Deltomed Laboratories.
In 1970 the product name is Antingin
In 1997, the new management Deltomed changed the name became Antangin

Antangin have 2 packaging:
Antangin JRG Tablet
Antangin JRG Liquid

Target Market :
-> Antangin JRG Tablet and Liquid is for childs and adults. For childs above 5 – 10 years with a half dosis.

-> The target consumers is income medium

-> For all gender

Distributions :
We can find Antangin JRG in everywhere. Such as Kiosks or retailers, pharmacies, Minimarkets, Supermarkets, and Hypermarts. So the consumers can buy or get easily.

Consumer Behavior :
Why the consumers choose Antangin?
1. the price is cheap
2. quickly cure colds

My Opinion :
I think the products packaging, the placement, distribution, advertisement suitable with the targeted market. And Antangin must be some extension of the market. I suggest that Antangin herb remain to be taken care of by its existence because herb represent one of the proper nation culture preserve.

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