Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Mix :
--> Product Antangin JRG is
a. Strongpas Ginseng

b. Rapet Wangi

c. Naturslim

d. NaturFiber

e. Tuntas

f. OB Herbal

g. Antalinu

h. Tea Tree Oil

i. OB Herbal Lozenges

j. Antangin Herbal Lozenges

--> Price
Price of the Products Deltomed is Relative

--> Place
We can find a lot of products by Deltomed Laboratories easily. Such as Kiosks, retailers, pharmacies, Minimarkets, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets etc. So the consumers can buy or get this products anywhere.

--> Promotion
Deltomed promotes their products by:
Advertising on TV
Advertising in Radio
Via Print Media, such as Newspaper, Magazine, Tabloid and Outdoor Billboards
Sales Promotion Girls

"The Marketing Strategy is Pull and Push"

My Opinion :
I think Deltomed has a good strategies to sell their products. They are combinations of pull and push strategy to get consumers and sell their products.


Antangin JRG was produced by Deltomed Laboratories.
In 1970 the product name is Antingin
In 1997, the new management Deltomed changed the name became Antangin

Antangin have 2 packaging:
Antangin JRG Tablet
Antangin JRG Liquid

Target Market :
-> Antangin JRG Tablet and Liquid is for childs and adults. For childs above 5 – 10 years with a half dosis.

-> The target consumers is income medium

-> For all gender

Distributions :
We can find Antangin JRG in everywhere. Such as Kiosks or retailers, pharmacies, Minimarkets, Supermarkets, and Hypermarts. So the consumers can buy or get easily.

Consumer Behavior :
Why the consumers choose Antangin?
1. the price is cheap
2. quickly cure colds

My Opinion :
I think the products packaging, the placement, distribution, advertisement suitable with the targeted market. And Antangin must be some extension of the market. I suggest that Antangin herb remain to be taken care of by its existence because herb represent one of the proper nation culture preserve.


1976 - 1986 -> Starting from a home industry in Bhopal, Deltomed begin to make medicine from the herb natural vegetation. Among them is Strongpa and Virgitab marketed in the form of capsule.

1987 - 1997 -> Along with the increase in the image of our products and also the total amount of market demand, to meet the demand, production capacity is enhanced through the transfer location to location of the factory Deltomed wide 1 hectare in Wonogiri, Central Java in 1987.
1998 - Now -> Increasing demand for products Deltomed from all over Indonesia, to encourage the creation of new opportunities of investment in production facilities, such as machinery and modern laboratory equipment.